Set in the cold winter of Himalayas, Candy revolves around a horrific murder mystery of a high-school student which forces an agonized teacher and a crooked cop to bury their differences and hunt down the killer. But what comes next will make your ja....Show MoreAshish R. Shukla
Candy Directed By - Ashish R. Shukla
Candy Cast - Ronit Roy,Richa Chadha,Riddhi Kumar,
Candy release date - 8 September 2021
Story of Candy Web Series
Candy revolves around a horrific murder mystery of a high-school student taking place in a remote small town. As the body count increases, a teacher and a corrupt cop are forced to bury their differences and hunt down the killer.
Review of Candy Web Series
Candy begins as a whodunnit with a sprinkle of fantasy and finally ends up turning into a psychological heroic tale. The show set in Rudrakund, follows a corrupt cop as she is uncovering the murder of a high-school student, whereas another goes missing. On the opposite hand, a academic convinced that there's a lot of to the crime than meets the attention begins his own investigation. The series starts with the murder of Mehul Awasthi (Mihir Ahuja), whose body was found hoisted on a tree. the entire city is convinced the murder was the doing of a mystical creature known as Massaand. in time it's uncovered that another schoolmate, avatar Rawat (Riddhi Kumar) has gone missing. feminine DSP Ratna Sankhawar (Richa Chadha) has many leads on the case, together with the medication racket within the city, however being in on the racket herself, she dismisses the lead. A non-believer of the magical creature known as Massaand, Ratna holds Kalki's father to blame for Mehul's death. Meanwhile, Jayant Parekh (Ronit nuclear physicist Roy), their teacher and mentor follows in on the medication trial and finds that Mehul was work the supply of medicine aka candy right before his death. The eight-episode series keeps you hooked with many twists and turns. the manufacturers have additionally managed to gift many all-round characters and their own storylines resulting in the tip that every one move. within the centre area unit 2 leading characters, Jayant, a academic UN agency feels for his students once losing his female offspring to medication and Ratna, a guilt-filled cop UN agency had a tough past and a toddler with congenital abnormality to require care of.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
How many Episodes are in Candy Web Series
8 Episodes are in Candy Web Series
On which ott platform Candy Web Series release
what is the cast of Candy Web Series
Ronit Roy,Richa Chadha,Riddhi Kumar,
what is the release date of Candy Web Series
8 September 2021
who is the director of Candy Web Series
Ashish R. Shukla
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